Using the social worker credit banking system, I got the fastest online and succeeded in reemployment! Originally, I was told that I could graduate from a two-year university while listening to social welfare as a major!I started working right after graduating from high school, but when I got married and had children, I quit my job. Now that my children have grown up and become more relaxed, I tried to find a stable and long-term jobTherefore, if you look at the certificate first, you will not take a special examination, but if you meet the requirements, you will be able to get a second-class certificate, and if so, I saw what the conditions for working are.1. Academic background above graduation from junior college 2. I had to complete two social welfare-related subjects, but it seemed like I had to go to college and study social welfare. But now I’ve heard that it’s hard to graduate from Korea Communications University!If the National Institute of Lifelong Education promotes the social worker credit banking system, it will be recognized as the same as ordinary universities. If you take the required major in the process, you will be able to apply for a second-degree social worker!Except for one practice, I thought I could finish the rest by studying online quicklyThe social worker’s credit banking course was a little difficult for me to do alone, so I went through it with a mentor, but what I found out after making a plan was that I could shorten the period?Of course, I had to take all 17 social worker courses, but I was able to fill them out in other ways! The reason is that if I get one certificate, my semester will be reduced, and I can concentrate on practicing as much as I can on the last semester!I studied, took the exam, passed the exam, brought what I received from the school I graduated from before, but it didn’t apply, and since it was my first time studying as a social worker, I didn’t dare to increase the amount of study.”Also, I gave points while listening to classes online, but I didn’t have a fixed time, so I could listen to them whenever I wanted!No matter how many housewives do housework, I had so many things to worry about in the morning that I could see when I had time left to send my husband and children to work. I was especially interested in mental health and volunteerism, so I didn’t have to worry about it.However, since it was a university course, I had a assignment and an examination in the middle, but the mentor gave me an easy way to do it, so I finished it without any problems.”After listening to all the lectures, I was a little worried because I had to go offline in the last semester. At first, I listened to a seminar, a briefing session, and then I had to go to the agency and find out where to go. It was good that I didn’t knowI thought the credit banking program for social workers was over, but I had to go through administrative procedures myself. First of all, I applied for credit certification because I took classes and practiced, and my mentor told me that I had to do it on a fixed date!Finally, if you apply for a degree, the administrative procedures will be completed, and if you go through the qualification examination, you will be able to complete the credit banking program for social workers, and you will receive a degree certificate under the name of the Minister of Education!At first, I was vague because the conditions didn’t match, but when I went through the online process of the social worker credit banking system, it was good that I was able to finish it earlier than anything else, and now I got a second-degree social worker and succeeded in reemployment!Actually, if I had been alone, I would have missed a lot, so it would have taken longer or I would have given up in the middle, so I would also like to thank the mentor for taking care of me a lot!I wanted to let you know that there is a way like this if there are people who can’t challenge them because they don’t have educational background, and I think it’s better to make it easier with someone who can help you than to make it difficult by yourself!At first, I was vague because the conditions didn’t match, but when I went through the online process of the social worker credit banking system, it was good that I was able to finish it earlier than anything else, and now I got a second-degree social worker and succeeded in reemployment!Actually, if I had been alone, I would have missed a lot, so it would have taken longer or I would have given up in the middle, so I would also like to thank the mentor for taking care of me a lot!I wanted to let you know that there is a way like this if there are people who can’t challenge them because they don’t have educational background, and I think it’s better to make it easier with someone who can help you than to make it difficult by yourself!At first, I was vague because the conditions didn’t match, but when I went through the online process of the social worker credit banking system, it was good that I was able to finish it earlier than anything else, and now I got a second-degree social worker and succeeded in reemployment!Actually, if I had been alone, I would have missed a lot, so it would have taken longer or I would have given up in the middle, so I would also like to thank the mentor for taking care of me a lot!I wanted to let you know that there is a way like this if there are people who can’t challenge them because they don’t have educational background, and I think it’s better to make it easier with someone who can help you than to make it difficult by yourself!Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image